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2021 - What a year!

This year, I learnt to be resilient  That I can be a warrior  Withstood wars that broke me And permanently maimed Wired my broken bits back up And puffed my chest out with pride This year, I learnt that I’m reckless More often than not - that Sometimes, I don’t follow the recipe Sometimes, I’m too idealistic Sometimes, I sneak out to the rooftop Sometimes, I look for the familiar sight of home Within the walls of my imagination - and I can put a face I never saw above every human I know Give my whole being to just meet him This year, I learnt to be a feminist Learned to walk through any alien city With fierce light clinging to my head Not burying my wild side Talking about existence, patriarchy, politics Got out of the shell, took charge – and Became a woman with choices This year, I learnt to be a human Self-reflected at what I’d really look like If you read me like a book Some would love me, some would not – but I Stopped tacking meaning onto trivial things Tolerant to different peop

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